Eventful so far!

So the first half of 2017 has been pretty awesome so far,  and super eventful to say the least. I think the best way to show what I’ve been up to is through some of the pictures that have been taken along the way. So here they are…



In Feb Andy Inglis and I headed out the Switzerland for a 10 day mixed/ice trip. We got a couple of awesome routes ticked before it got super warm!

Andy on pitch one of Flying Circus

Bust a MOVE
Easy does it! Pic of me on the crux travers pitch


What a day, what a view, what a route!
A gift for the walk out.

Im in there somewhere.
It got warm so it was time to pack up.


I then had a couple of months at home training and working in prep for a month in AK in April. Will sim and I had a mega successful trip with two new mixed routes and a whole lot of fun!

I don’t believe in killing any animal for sport or fun, but it was cool to look at all the big guns AK had to offer.

The line of Beastiality from the flight in, our big new route on the Bears Tooth.

Not a bad place to camp

Bivi two on The Bears Tooth.

Just keep climbing
Summit bound
What a view
Route two accommodation
Happy with the trip! Sat on the summit of our second new route on the Buckskin Glacier.

Then things got a little different.

I got Married in June to my gorgeous wife Mhairi, and it was definitely the highlight of my year! Here are some pics of my stag do, wedding and honeymoon. We honeymooned in Madeira with some biking and chilling by the sea!

The stag do crew, minus my brother in law Craig, he must have been making the tea.
Safety second
Our ceremony
Making our way down the hill after our ceremony.
Party time.
My girlie
The morning after! HANGOVER anyone?
Honeymoon time in Madeira

Relaxing at the accommodation.
Sunset overload

Then it got real Crazy

Mhairi and I decided to get a puppy in July, and we haven’t had a moments peace since! Even as I try to write this blog post, I’m juggling photo uploads with puppy widdle patrol! But we’re loving every moment with little Floki.

Too cute

Floki with her big cousins.
Constant carnage

So thats pretty much up to date. Winter is on its way and I’m getting psyched for the cold mountains again. I reset my training wall last week so there’ll be a lot of pain to come in the next month or so. Keep an eye on here to see what follows!








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