Burning and Looting 21/11/10

Last Sunday Neil McGeechy and I headed up to the Gorms to try and get some early season climbing done. We went in to look at a particular route but as the turf was in no way frozen we opted for an easier/rockier line on Fiacaill Buttress.

Pic- Neil on second pitch

We did the route “Burning and Looting” which was a good little line to the left of Balhaven. I did an alternative less turfier first pitch to the original route which bumped the grade up a touch and made the whole route a little more sustained. Neil then went on to lead the second pitch which had some fun technical climbing and finished by climbing through an eye of a needle feature in the rock.

Pic- Neil bringing me up to the eye of the needle.

It was a very relaxed day and it was good to see Neil get stuck into some more technical mixed climbing as he hasn’t done very much.

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