Yesterday Michael Shorter and I head to Dunkeld, except this time we headed to Polney. I have not done much climbing at this crag so there was lots to go at for me, and Mike was trying to tick off the rest of the routes he hasn’t done there.
Even though the weather forecast was for rain showers throughout the day, we managed to avoid getting wet. Between us we got a handful of routes done of all grades and I got to spy some routes that I would like to go back for.
Mike did two E2’s, soloed an E3 he had done previously and did an E3 called “Springboard Variation” which packed in a heavy punch on the crux section.
I did “Crash test dummies” E3,5c, then I soloed “Psoriasis” E3,6a, after some lunch I did “Hot Tips” E5,6b and finished off the day with an easy solo of “Ivy Crack” VS,4c. It was a fun day and thankfully the rain stayed off and we got our planned routes ticked.
As I’ve managed to find a job for a few weeks, I am going to have to do what most people do and wait until next weekend to get out cragging again. So lets hope its a dry one!
hi.. just dropping by here… have a nice day!